80’s were the hard times for Yesilcam. Movie theatres were trying to attract the audience by showing either sex films or cheap science fiction and kung-fu films, came from Hong-Kong, Philippines and Italy. Some earnest (!) movie makers were joining this “sex films” party with some productions that created by a so called “intellectual vision on female sexuality” and some others like Cetin Inanc were insisting to make some adventure films, but these were just cheap productions and nothing was as good as it was in old times, especially for them.

So, in such an atmosphere, some talents like Nihat Yigit, Sonmez Yikilmaz and Serdar tried to reach the fame by these adventure films, mostly produced by Cetin Inanc. Sonmez Yikilmaz was a breached figure artist in adventure films of 70’s with his close friend, Yadigar Ejder. (I think the role of his life was in Muhsin Bey (Yavuz Turgul, 1987); he was playing himself, a figure artist, who makes body building exercises on the staircase of the apartment and how convinces the madame, the landlord not to pay the rental on every payment date) Nihat Yigit was a popular martial arts expert. And we have no information about Serdar‘s history, but we need to mention that the attractive part of his films is his partner, Filiz Tacbas‘s prudent sexuality, smelling like 80’s in clouds.

Sonmez Yikilmaz’s “Ramo” was just a Rambo imitation, produced directly for videofilm market. As for Nihat Yigit, he was aping Bruce Lee, also with his physical appearance and also with his fighting style. And Serdar was the mixture of Rambo and Mad Max, which is discernable on the posters of his films. Here you can find some posters of these Yesilcam veterans, who played the leading role even if in low budget (rather “0” budget) films in 80’s.


Murat Tolga Şen

Murat Tolga Şen, sinema eleştirmeni, senarist ve oyuncudur. Öteki Sinema'nın kurucusudur ve OFCS (Online Film Critics Society) üyesidir. 2012-2023 yılları arasında Medyaradar sitesinde TV sektörüne dair eleştiriler kaleme almış, 2014-2016 sezonunda Okan Bayülgen’in Dada Dandinista adlı programının yazı grubunu yönetmiştir. Ayrıca 2017-2019 yılları arasında Antalya Sinema Derneği’nin danışmanlığını yapmış ve 2014-2023 yılları arasında Eğlenceli Cinayetler Kumpanyası’nda oyunculuk yapmıştır. Şen, "Bir Notanın Hikayesi" adlı belgeselin senaryo yazarı ve "Bir İz - Madımak" belgeselinin danışmanıdır. Yazılarına Beyazperde ve Öteki Sinema'da devam etmektedir.

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